Marijke 22nd November 2012

My Life changed, the very moment I found out That you had passed away. I couldn't stop it; there was nothing I could say. You've touched my life so deeply to a point you will never know, I try to think about you when I am feeling down and low. Sometimes when my day gets hard I will think about your beautiful smile and if I listen hard enough I will hear your voice after a while. It's you who give me a reason to go on with my day, and now if I want to see you I'll bow my head and pray. I catch myself looking for you still, In the halls and at your front door, but when I call your name there is no reply any more! I never thought a day would come where we would be apart, God has you in his keepings, we have you in our hearts. Life will go on, but never will be the same, your beautiful smile is gone, but it will always remain. You're our angel from up above. You'll always be missed, but most importantly... loved. Just one more minute, God, is all I ask- why can't you give her back; it seems like such a simple task. I guess people are right when they say God only takes the best, I know enough now that you're peacefully at rest.